Fluoride Role in Caries Prevention

Fluoride Role in Caries Prevention

Posted by Unique Kids Pediatric Dentistry on Nov 17 2021, 05:04 AM

Fluoride is a mineral that imparts various benefits to dental health. It is a natural ingredient in tap water and an added ingredient in toothpaste and mouthwashes that helps to protect the enamel of the tooth from demineralization. The dentists of Unique Kids Pediatric Dentistry recommend the use of fluoride toothpaste to children to avoid the risk of caries or decay. 

Action of Fluoride

Every day, the mouth is exposed to bacteria that are harmful to the teeth. On consuming food that contains sugar, the bacteria in the mouth feed on it, producing acid that demineralizes the teeth. It slowly destroys the tooth enamel and enters the interior of the tooth, leading to caries or tooth decay. 

Adding fluoride to the dental hygiene routine helps to strengthen the tooth enamel. The effect of the acid released by the bacteria is less due to it. Fluoride also helps to reduce the buildup of plaque on the teeth as it reduces the ability of the bacteria to form the plaque. 

Patients who have demineralized can remineralize their teeth with the help of fluoride. It attracts the phosphate and calcium ions to the teeth that are exposed to decay, forming a film on the teeth. The benefit of the process is that the teeth become more resistant to the acid that tends to attack, protecting them from further chances of decay. 

Visit the Dentist

The consumption of food and beverages that contain sugar is high in children. It increases the chances of caries and decay, due to which it is essential to visit the dentist regularly. Consulting an expert dentist can help analyze if your child needs to take precautions to prevent the chance if caries. 

The dentist prescribes toothpaste and mouthwashes that contain fluoride which should be included in the dental routine at home. Brushing the teeth twice everyday with the toothpaste neutralizes the decay. It is crucial to maintain a safe level of fluoride to obtain its benefits of it and to avoid harmful doses of fluoride. 

Unique Kids Pediatric Dentistry, located in New Caney, TX, is equipped with expert dentists and modern technologies that enable the best dental care facilities for the patients. Call us at (832) 930-7732 and schedule an appointment with the dentist to learn about the services facilitated for the patients at the dental practice. 

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